Well, the way I treat trans people, or as I like to term them 'people', is as they present, and as they are - and with identical respect and friendship as I offer to all other people. That's not the issue, and nobody should be confused into a binary thinking where we either accept whole cloth the demands of a tiny set of activists (who don't in any way represent the thinking or desires of the majority or even many actual trans people) or if we don't do all that we're somehow hateful to trans. This is my entire point. Most true trans would never dream of making anybody else uncomfortable by imposing themselves onto others - yet here we are being essentially forced to 'believe' stupid stuff like 'trans women ARE women and must be treated exactly the same as one in all situations' when that is clearly inappropriate in a tiny but important number of areas as outlined above. They've existed for centuries without tossing women's rights (such as they were for most of that time) out to make things 'nice'.