The reason I'm disagreeing so strongly is that the Professors entire thrust is based on lies, as is all CRT. Your question is very revealing, as it swaps what happened in a bizzare incident for imagined situations in which members of my family are subject to unjust treatment, to 'wake me up'. It changes nothing about the George Floyd situation, and refutes not a single thing about my entire objection: which is, again, for those who insist on missing it, that there is no indication, whatsoever, that the incident had a racial component to it, at all, apart from the identities of the police and the arrestee. Yet BLM, CNN, and the Democrat party have everyone believing it's the absolute reveal for all that's wrong with the entire society. What would you say if I told you that this year there have been 50+ police killed on duty, by criminals? That there have been 54 black people killed by police, of which 3 were unarmed, while there are 109 whites killed, 5 of whom were unarmed? How does that track with 'blacks are being unfairly targeted by law enforcement and killed without reason!!' (source: Washington Post)