So, if I can extend your idea out - the only way racism could be deemed to be 'defeated' is if all people in a society end up with the same levels of achievement, luck, prosperity, education and health outcomes? Well, every time we tried to do exactly that last century millions died. Given our shared history, with the caveat that nobody alive today is responsible for (or suffered from) the worst periods in it, why would you expect the outcomes we see right now to be different? I'm not disagreeing that bad luck is spread unevenly in society - and it always falls hardest on those with the least ability to deal with it. I'm trying to nudge you toward the idea that things are the way they are because of a dark and sordid history of how we got here - we can agree that's true. I'll also point out that while it's not perfect by any stretch - this is still the safest, most inclusive, least racist/sexist/homophobic/unfair society humans have yet built in 250,000 years of existence together - and what's more a huge amount of progress in these areas has happened within living memory. What various political ideologies would have you believe is that racism is the lock, and you are the key. While we fight this ludicrous, irresolvable quarrel - those allegedly in charge of things continue to suck up opportunity, wealth, conditions, job security, social mobility, etc. We fight and hate each other while they continue to strip and parasitize everything from the rest of us. You're aimed at the wrong enemies, sir.