It's one of those tricky things that when we notice one of these cultural shifts - and it makes us uneasy - that in attempting to find another explanation than 'we're clearly transphobic and bigoted' we cast about and fall back on things like faith and self-deprecation (it's too much to remember for an older person!). But here's the real issue with the entire pronoun requirement as it seems to be going: the entire premise of displaying and insisting everyone use them is that trans people are regularly and by default treated absolutely appallingly because we all 'hate' them (first part that's not true) - and by signalling you're an ally (if you're not trans or gender fluid) or as identification to others that this will lead to a world where nobody sees trans as abnormal and everyone will always treat everyone else as totally normal (second bit that's not true - for the first time in decades approval of transgender lifestyle has taken a downturn in surveys). It's also the demand to comply/wear the badge, or automatic disdain or worse that's different and wrong (along with several concurrent ideas floating about in society right now). I heard one trans spokesperson say they hoped that in about 50 years everybody could 'just be themself' - to which I have 2 responses: 1. We already really can, and more freely and fully than in any other society in human history, and 2. I find it difficult to reconcile that we're telling kids that the best way to be themselves is to change something about themself....