A practical and pragmatic take on it. I also agree on the need for most to simply accept it. However it does bear mentioning that the Taliban may not be as controllable as Pakistan hopes - and a strong fundamentalist government right next door may well embolden Islamist groups within the country - a threat they've had to deal with before at great cost. The ongoing narrative of the 'great threat from the east' within Pakistan is also basically wrong footed. India is far more interested in a co-operative and non hostile relationship. It's in their best interests and they gain nothing from having to defend against what they perceive as THEIR threat from their western border. Pakistan will also be under pressure from the international community to reign in Taliban excesses, or risk finacial support - which is desperately needed in their flagging economy, and especially if forced to deal with domestic unrest. It may not be a great reality to simply accept after all.